TEDx Conference
My tedx talk " Are we all on the sneakers bandwagon ? “
Selected by Nike France to appear in the capsule videos to celebrate the 30 years of the Jordan brand.
France 2 – International News
Co- writer of a tv programm about the trend of sneaker custom with the France 2
Other tv appearance, BFM business,(Paris) France 0, France 3.
Watch our others videos on our Youtube Channel

Conference :
The emergence of the sneakers in the 90s – Sneakers Summit – Paris.

Conference :
What is the impact of culture sneakers in the industry of sports – Hoops Factory – Lille.

Conference :
Art and design means sneakers culture ? – Magasins Généraux – Pantin.

Conference :
To be the best or be the best, sneakers culture is the best choice – Centre Diagora Toulouse.

Conference :
My tedx talk " Are we all on the sneakers bandwagon ? “.
Also conferences and seminars in Toulouse, Paris, Switzerland, Germany and United States.

Les Inrocks
Several collaborations, interviews and articles.

Report on the history of the sneakers culture in Europe.

L’equipe mag
Interview for the 20 years of the Dream Team.
Others publications in La Dépêche, Negus, Télérama, 20 minutes, le Figaro, le Parisien, Ça m’intéresse, Hypebeast, Society.
radio shows

we have worked with them